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Crystal Display delivers the most advanced end-to-end digital signage solutions to your industry. With market leading displays, cutting edge technology and fully managed digital signage solutions, the choice is Crystal Clear.
What is a digital display?
Digital signage, or Digital-Out-Of-Home media is more that just a TV on a stand. A Crystal Display digital signage solution is a complete marketing and media system designed to attract more buyers and have greater selling power than any other out-of-home media. A correctly installed system will quickly establish you as a market leader in the neighborhood, significantly boosting your profile.
What makes Crystal Display different?
Crystal Display represents immaculate attention to detail in every area. From precision engineered enclosures to embedded display controllers, digital thermal management systems and superior graphics. Crystal Digital Displays reflect a standard of quality you'll want representing your business.
Crystal Display has adopted a completely different business model that results in what can only be described as a far better quality product and service. You can read more about that on our Partnership page
Industry tailored signage solutions
Crystal Display works hand-in-hand with our clients in mutual partnerships to build tailored digital signage solutions. No special skills, no graphic design required - just upload the content and Crystal Display digital signage automatically showcases your information according to your industry's market objectives.
Crystal Display is heavily invested in developing the latest technology for digital signage applications. Our Sydney based research team aims to push the boundaries of what can be achieved from digital out of the home media.
Mobile Phone Interaction with SMS & QR
Crystal Display systems incorporate QR codes and feature SMS interactivity, viewers of Crystal digital signage can receive information and leave contact details via SMS and are directed to websites via QR codes.
Advanced Graphics Engine
Our advanced graphics engine is built into every Crystal Digital Signage product and is the heart of what makes Crystal Display the best digital signage provider in Australia. This engine takes the content (text, posters, photographs, video) that you upload and automatically presents it with our industry specific templates.
Latest News
Crystal Display Announces 2012 Products
Sun, 15 Jan 2012
Along with new super-bright screens, Crystal Display is proudly launching a completely new product design for 2012 learn more
Crystal Display Launches Facebook App
Tue, 26 Jul 2011
Crystal Display has launched a new integrated Facebook App that enables property listings displayed on real estate display screens to also be listed on company Facebook Page. learn more